Friday, July 27, 2012

Prepared for Plan B

A friend who saw this picture on my facebook page left the following kind comment:  "You are an inspiration and I admire you more then you know. I'm not sure I could transition from Plan A to Plan B as seamlessly as you have."

Isn't that sweet?  It's too bad I'll have to tell Michele she's wrong!

You see, I can't really take much credit for how all of this is going down, not when I look back and see how God prepared me for it.  My part was only to continue seeking Him, while He did the daily work of increasing my faith, proving His goodness and pouring out His grace into my heart.

If you grew up in church you probably at some point sang the words, "Jehovah Jireh, my provider, His grace is sufficient for me, for me, for me."  I always thought it meant God would provide for my material needs and continuosly give me grace, but I've come to understand that His provision for my circumstances is just as dependable.

And why wouldn't it be?  Scripture is clear that God is a planner, a nice nod to all of us Type As who consider our daytimers a second Bible.  "I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord."  (Jeremiah 29:11)  Plans made from the beginning of time.  (2 Timothy 1:9)  He even planned the good works we should do.  "....we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." (Eph 2:10)

If God made those plans, it only makes sense that He prepares us for them.  This is especially comforting when I consider that good works aren't just serving in a soup kitchen or going on a missions trip.  What if one of the good works God planned for Sarah DelliGatti in 2012 included divorcing graciously, without malice and while maintaining peace in my life and home?  Seems like a pretty good way for Him to be glorified, doesn't it? 

Michele, I pray you never have to walk this path in your own life, but don't be deceived -- tomorrow or the day after is surely going to throw you your own unexpected Plan B, and I can guarantee you that just as surely as God has prepared me for this season, He will prepare you for that one as well.  As you daily walk with Him and more easily recognize His leading and His voice, the good works that are suddenly thrust upon you -- the emergency call in the night, the terrifying diagnosis, the horrible betrayal by a friend -- all of those you will handle with courage because your Jehovah Jireh knew they were coming and is even now giving you all you need to be victorious.

My SarahPhrased version of Jeremiah 29:11 and Ephesians 2:10 for this Plan B season goes like this:

"Sarah, I know the plans I have for you during this divorce.  My plan to help you cope started long ago, before you were even aware this day was coming.  That's when I started growing your confidence in my goodness, your faith in my provision, and your hope for the future.  I planned this good work of divorcing with dignity so you would be able to endure it and so my name would be glorified when people see your joy in these difficult circumstances."

Thanks for your kind words, Michele.  Our God is inspiring, and He will be just as amazing in your Plan Bs as He has been in mine!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sarah - I am sure God planned for me to see this today as I am recovering from a bad fall that has stopped me in my tracks (at least for the time being. I have followed God through Plan B a number of times in my life, The Lord has shown me that leaning on Him always, always draws me closer to the Lord, teaches me new ways of thinking and doing, and provides awesome opportunities.
